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Alain de Botton

Philosopher, Entrepreneur & Author

One of Europe's most recognised philosophers, Alain de Botton writes essayistic books that have been described as a "philosophy of everyday life". His books have been best-sellers in 30 countries. Alain has also opened a school in London called The School of Life, dedicated to a new vision of education.

"A popular philosopher who strives to engage with everyday life in original and surprising ways"

Alain de Botton - speaker profile photo

In detail

De Botton has taken the erudite discipline of philosophy and consistently applied it to everyday questions at the heart of our society: How do we co-exist with other people? How do we deal with our anxieties? How do we live well?. In 2009, he was a founding member of an architectural organization called "Living Architecture". Later that year, de Botton was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, in recognition of his services to architecture. He is a frequent contributor to numerous newspapers, journals and magazines and is a member of the Arts Council of England's literature panel.

What he offers you

Acclaimed philosopher, Alain de Botton masterfully combines philosophy with pragmatism. He offers a kinder, gentler philosophy of success, giving us a great lesson on how to relate to ourselves, and how to relax counter-productive emotions. Alain makes a convincing case how to find true pleasure in our work and skilfully raises the big questions we all tend to ask of our work. His goal is to help clients understand "how to live wisely and well".

How he presents

With a philosophical eye and his characteristic combination of wit and wisdom, Alain de Botton's humorous, articulate and eye opening talks are given with an elegance philosophers might envy.


He presents in English.

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book Alain de Botton?

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Speaking topics

  • Find Your Creative Fire!
  • A Kinder and Gentler Philosophy for Success
  • The Art of Travel
  • The Beauty and Ugliness of Architecture

Books and publications

  • 2020
    The School of Life: An Emotional Education
  • 2017
    The Course of Love
  • 2015
    Essays In Love
  • 2009
    The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
  • 2008
    The Architecture of Happiness

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